Pai Gow Online Poker And Its Rules

Although online Pai Gow poker has many similarities to the version played in land-based casinos, certain differences in size will punctuate the course of your games. In Pai Gow online, you will not play against 5 other players. You will be playing exclusively against the virtual dealer. Additionally, you will be able to take advantage of the ‘House Way’ option if you have no idea how to arrange your cards to form two winning hands. On the whole, however, the rules are identical.

Pai Gow Rules Online

Although the rules of this variant of classic poker can confuse you, the game itself is childishly simple. Experts at Play at the Casino have summarized the essentials of Pai Gow poker. Please find them below:

  1. As soon as you have loaded the game of Pai Gow of your choice, place an initial bet (ante) in the circular space provided for this purpose.
  1. Once this formality has been completed, click on the ‘distribute’ button. 7 hoof cards will be distributed to you. The dealer will also receive 7 different cards.
  1. After receiving your cards, separate them to form two different hands, one of 2 cards and the other of 5 cards. For example, if you receive two aces, a joker, two 2s, a 6 and an 8, your hand of 2 cards should consist of two 2s and your hand of 5 cards should consist of three of aces (the joker will have been converted to ace), 6 and 8.
  1. Once you have validated the layout of your cards, you cannot go back. Your cards will be irretrievably separated and 2 hands. If you have no idea how to arrange your cards, you are free to use the ‘House Way’ function so that software organizes your cards in the best possible way.
  1. At the end of the game, the player’s hands will be compared to those of the dealer to determine the winner. If your hands are more powerful than those of the dealer, you win the game.

Otherwise, the dealer wins the round. If only one of your 2 hands is given the winner, there is a tie, in which case you will recover your initial bet.

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